十六岁墨西哥男孩用瓶子往美国走私液体冰毒。海关问What's this,男孩说是苹果汁。海关说那你喝一口吧,男孩抿了四口后抢救无效死亡。于是家属获赔一百万美元。


I have a perfect solution to end law enforcement 'brutality' and cruelty. Abiding by the law and not messing with cops maybe?

· 译 冬川豆 ·

rue. It is not hard at all to tellmeth apart from apple juice. But given that these officers did not know what the substance was, just smelling it might be hazardous or possibly lethal to these officers. You know how Kim Jung Nam was assassinated right? And running a strict lab test on every bottle of liquid passing through is impractical. Since the boy was claiming that bottle of liquid to be apple juice, he should be responsible for his own life and safety. The law enforcement was left with few choices.


Both of us are civilians who do not take physical risks, uncertainties, emergencies and psychlogical pressure as daily chaos of duty as our law enforcement does as part of their job. Especially in an age of rampant Islamic terrorism. Too often people blame our wonderful and dutiful law enforcement who protects us from say, drug smugglers, for their overuse of force, overreaction towards criminals and insensitivity to human life. But it is time that we examine the situation from a law enforcement perspective of view. Police officers and border patrol agents are humans in uniforms who bleed and die rather than bulletproof RoboCops made of titanium. They have to protect themselves in the first place in order to protect us and make quick judgments and sometimes hard decisions. As far as I could imagine, this is a tough and challenging job that my own mind is incapable of doing, let alone doing it daily. Call me a coward.


My mother is a general surgeon and director of a hospital, and I can tell you that she is amazingly insensitive to pain and bloodiness. She can even keep a straight face and a stiff upper lip even if faced with her own crying and bleeding son whilst stitching him up with surgical precision. Sometimes I scold her for not being motherly enough to me in a jokingly way, but I don't really blame her. She has seen too much pain and too many deaths, and not being emotionally involved is the way she survives. The same sort of professionalism may apply to our law enforcement. After all criminals do not have special marks on their faces, and it's hard to peep into their minds and know their intentions.


In my humble opinion, you are too picky on your protectors and too sympathetic towards criminals who may actually harm you or the society you live in at large.


I have a perfect solution to end law enforcement 'brutality' and cruelty. Abiding by the law and not messing with cops maybe?


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